Anyway… If you are a KU subscriber, I’d LOVE for you to check out my books. Give them a read and see what you think. And don’t forget to leave a review.
Writing, Photography and Real Estate
Anyway… If you are a KU subscriber, I’d LOVE for you to check out my books. Give them a read and see what you think. And don’t forget to leave a review.
Tags: Amazon, deals, Kindle, KindleUnlimited
“I’d say get a room… but I guess you kind of already have one,” Kat said, laughing at her own joke. “Come on… you guys know this is funny, right?” she said when they didn’t laugh back right away. “You need to lighten up and laugh a little.”
Tags: deals, Lies and Omissions, novelexcerpt, Skater
I have two… yes, two… big things going on right now. You can pick one, or both!
Tags: deals, Lies and Omissions, Skater, The Call, Unknown Caller
“Listen to me, boy,” Howard railed, his bass voice thunderous. “If you plan on coming in my house again, you take a minute and get yourself right with the Lord first, because I will send you to visit him. You follow me?”
Tags: deals, Lies and Omissions, novelexcerpt, Skater
He always handwrote the letter, and it usually took him a couple of drafts. This time was no different. He slipped the final piece of paper from the top drawer of his desktop stationary cabinet, a nice, heavy paper, and wrote the final copy. He carefully folded it, making sure it was in perfect thirds.
Tags: deals, novelexcerpt, The Call, Unknown Caller
As a reader, you would be able to download the first three episodes free, and then after that it would be on a “token” basis…
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