Planning Vengeance, the first half of the Broken Path story, will be dropping off Kindle Unlimited on May 24th. It is the first of the Dixon-Prince series of books and sets everything up for the rest of the stories.
Jack Dixon has a crush on Amy Prince… he has had it for as long as he’s known her. The problem is that she has had a boyfriend, Paul Murphy, for almost as long. And Murphy has always been an ogre. But in a lucky turn of events, Paul and Amy break up.
Jack takes his shot. But that only makes Murphy spin out of control. The problems quickly escalate past the normal teenage grudge. It seems that there are some secrets in the Murphy household. And the Dixon and Prince families have their own secrets.
Everything leads down a Broken Path, culminating in the second half of the story, Dig Two Graves. Don’t forget the old proverb, “When planning revenge, it is best to dig two graves.”