It is the new shiny object… Google+. If you are on it, it is really obvious. Most of the posts still seem to be about how cool it is to be there. It seems like the majority of the links that are posted or “+1’d” are about using Google+.
And that is fine…
But it leaves me thinking something… That since Google+ is the shiny new object in the room… the new kid that all the girls think is “mysterious”… is it getting a pass?
Or, am I just the stodgy old dude that doesn’t like change?
Frankly, I think I do like change, but I also don’t dive on every new toy. And I like FaceBook. I never warmed up to Twitter. FourSquare took me a little while, and it isn’t on the top of my mind. There are probably 20 social networking options that I have discarded in the last few years because they didn’t thrill me. In fact, Google Wave and Google Buzz would be two of the platforms I dropped well before they went away.
And don’t think for a minute that I think Google+ is going to go the way of Buzz and Wave. Google+ is too good for that.
But, personally I don’t think it is the coolest thing ever… I think we have a case of Social Media Bias. Right now, Google+ is made up of early adopters. And early adopters, in general, are people that like the shiny new objects. And because early adopter love the new stuff, Google+ is in a Honeymoon phase… it is getting the love and it doesn’t have to prove itself.
The question is this… What do YOU think? Is Google+ all that and a bag of chips, or does it need to bake a little longer? Is it easier to work with that FaceBook, or is it that the users are those that are generally quickest to adapt?
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