I began strong with my NaNoWriMo story. Knocked out 15k words like nothing. The writing was free and easy, but there was a little tickle in the back of my mind.
Well… I figured out the tickle around the 20k word mark. I’m still ahead of schedule, but I have realized that I need to do major surgery. I’m writing in the wrong POV (point of view). I prefer to write in 3rd person-limited. In that POV, the narrator is a third person, apart from the action, and while they might know more than a fly on the wall, they are not omniscient. That would be 3rd person-omniscient…
This story was screaming to be written in 1st person-multi. Effectively, each chapter (or section) would be written from the perspective of a character. The narrator would know what the character knows, and what the character thinks, but NOT what other characters may know or think. It would also shift, allowing a different person to be the narrator in different areas.
I can recycle some of the work I’ve done so far, and the scenes are the same, just often requiring enough of a rewrite as to mean it’s easy to just write it over, but at least I don’t have to re-imagine the scene.
The hard part (because of NaNoWriMo’s writing goals) is deleting chunks of text. I was killing a thousand words at a time this morning. I would write a new section, and delete the old one. So… trying to stay above the writing goal, while deleting thousands of words… yuck.
Now we’ll see if I can keep it up.