1 : to subject to or manage as a syndicate
2 a : to sell (as a cartoon) to a syndicate or for publication in many newspapers or periodicals at once; also : to sell the work of (as a writer) in this way <a syndicated columnist> b : to sell (as a series of television programs) directly to local stations
— syn·di·ca·tion \ˌsin-də-ˈkā-shən\ noun
— syn·di·ca·tor \ˈsin-də-ˌkā-tər\ noun
Syndication is another part of a solid social media and social networking strategy. One of the biggest pitfalls of social media and social networking is maintaining a presence in many locations. It can be a serious time suck. Updating a bunch of site individually could take hours… Even just keeping up with all of the profiles could be more than many people could handle.
Luckily, there are some tools that can make life WAY easier. Posterous, AtomKeep and FriendFeed are three that come to mind…
continue reading "Aggregation, Syndication, Integration… Part II"