Trying something here… There is a new toy available in my WordPress arsenal, embedding a Kindle book Read More
It’s kind of spiffy.
If you haven’t read this one, feel free to hit up the free preview and check it out. If you have read it, check out one of my titles you haven’t read, and/or share it with a friend.
As I mention sharing… there are two meanings to this. You can actually share my book if you bought it… once. You can send a friend the book for free for 14 days for them to read it. There is no additional cost to either of you. But I’m pretty sure you can only do it once.
Also in the vein of sharing, I would LOVE it if you shared any of my posts, or that you enjoyed any of my books, with as many people as you dare.
Getting noticed without a giant ad budget is tough. The deal I made with myself when I started this was that I wouldn’t spend more to market than what was coming in from sales. And that is a rough road. Even effectively giving away free books is expensive. Some of the “book deal” newsletters charge over $100 to give away FREE books. And there is no type of guarantee of a single future sale.
And then there is the whole business of buying artwork for covers, paying editors and all of the other gears in the mechanism. I will say that the background stuff (not the marketing) gets a little easier with each book.
Enjoy… and thank you for reading.