An Amazon ad for one of my books was murdered yesterday. Someone complained, so Amazon suspended the ad. The language of the ad suspension, though, cuts much deeper than just the ad. Here it is:
Your ad contains book/s or content that is not allowed. Content that revolves around controversial or highly debated social topics is not permitted. Please remove this content from your ad.
The ad in question, as well as the others for the book, contain the words “Deep State : Deep Fakes : Deep Cover” It is a spy story, and the hero is framed for a political assassination with “deep fake” videos. Those responsible are embedded inside the government… hence “deep state”.
But, it’s fiction.
Apparently, though, we are reaching a level of censorship where it doesn’t matter. Someone is offended by an ad for a work of fiction. The ad itself isn’t a deep fake, nor does it glorify sex or violence. It says that a character was framed for a political assassination.
Frankly, I don’t know if it was an algorithm that changed its mind about the ad (it’s been running since April) or if someone complained. I don’t think it matters. The ad is one that isn’t served often… it was viewed twice yesterday, before it was banned by Amazon. What matters is that we have reached the point where the free expression of ideas is SO scary that it can be taken away that easily.
Keep in mind… this is a work of fiction. There are MILLIONS of books with plots involving political intrigue, murder, spies and other conflicts. In fact, any book worthy of reading involves conflict. Nobody wants to read about people sitting on their couch while nothing happens. Conflict is essential for a good plot.
If the ad can so easily be banned, how long before the book is banned… how long before the idea is banned? How soon will we be on the road to only being allowed stories that complement the narrative?
Maybe you should grab your copy before Amazon determines it is too dangerous… Triple Cross.